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Rubinowich v Stoddart   flag 

[1897] ArgusLawRp 94; (1897) 3 ALR 173
Argus Law Reports
22nd July, 1897

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Bank of Victoria v Robertson [1897] ArgusLawRp 54; 3 ALR 93 Argus Law Reports Australia 6 May 1897 AustLII flag 2
R v McIntyre [1897] ArgusLawRp 36; (1897) 3 ALR 85 Argus Law Reports Australia 24 Mar 1897 AustLII flag 6
Beg v Huggins [1895] UKLawRpKQB 17; 1895 1 QB 563; 72 LT 193 United Kingdom 2 Feb 1895 CommonLII flag 15
R v the London County Council, Ex parte Akkersdyk, Ex parte Fermenia [1892] UKLawRpKQB 87; (1892) 1 QB 190 United Kingdom 30 Apr 1892 CommonLII flag 21
R v Ham 12 TLR 323 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 1
21 VLR 3 21 VLR 3 Australia - Victoria flag 7

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