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R v McIntyre   flag  6

[1897] ArgusLawRp 36; (1897) 3 ALR 85
Argus Law Reports
24th March, 1897

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
R v Walker [2004] VSC 411 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 21 Oct 2004 AustLII flag 3
R v Williamson [1969] VicRp 88; [1969] VR 696 Australia - Victoria 11 Apr 1969 AustLII flag 5
David Syme and Co v Swinburne [1910] ArgusLawRp 14; (1910) 16 ALR 93 Argus Law Reports Australia 15 Mar 1910 AustLII flag 3
Farrands v Melbourne, Mayor, etc, of [1909] VicLawRp 68; [1909] ArgusLawRp 108; [1909] VLR 531; 15 ALR 520; 31 ALT 78 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 4 Oct 1909 AustLII flag 8
In the Estate of Cavin [1906] ArgusLawRp 92 Argus Law Reports Australia 29 Jun 1906 AustLII flag
Rubinowich v Stoddart [1897] ArgusLawRp 94; (1897) 3 ALR 173 Argus Law Reports Australia 22 Jul 1897 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Crimes Act 1891 (Vic)
Land Act (Vic)
Marine Act 1890 (Vic)
Supreme Court Act 1890 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
R v Clark, Ex Parte Doyle [1879] VicLawRp 249; 5 VLR (L) 440; 1 ALT 105 Australia - Victoria 2 Dec 1879 AustLII flag 2
Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China v the Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co Ltd [1883] UKLawRpKQB 5; 10 QBD 521 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 17 Jan 1883 CommonLII flag 29
Leary, Appellant, v Lloyd, Respondent [1860] EngR 730; 3 E & E 178; 121 ER 409; 29 LJMC 133 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 3
Tabram v Freeman [1834] EngR 322; 149 ER 837; (1834) 2 Cr & M 451 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 1
Clarke v Yeates [1822] EngR 318; 129 ER 1289; (1822) 3 Brod & Bing 273 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 5
21 VLR 3 21 VLR 3 Australia - Victoria flag 7
Union Bank of London v Lenanton 3 CPD 213 1
(1858) 28 Ljex 116 (1858) 28 LJEx 116 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1858 flag 1

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