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Ex parte Dixon, In re Dixon   flag  5

[1884] UKLawRpKQB 86; 13 QBD 118
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom
2nd May, 1884

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
County Court - Practice [1929] ArgusLawRpCN 16; (1929) 35 ALR (CN) 16 Argus Law Reports, Current Notes Australia 26 Nov 1929 AustLII flag
Bankruptcy - Act of Bankruptcy [1929] ArgusLawRpCN 15; (1929) 35 ALR (CN) 15 Argus Law Reports, Current Notes Australia 26 Nov 1929 AustLII flag
In re King; Ex parte The Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd (No 2) [1920] ArgusLawRp 102; [1920] VicLawRp 80; [1920] VLR 490; 26 ALR 272; 43 ALT 3 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 27 Sep 1920 AustLII flag 6
In Re Webber, Ex parte Webber [1890] UKLawRpKQB 212; (1890) 24 QBD 313; 59 LJQB 169 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 11 Jan 1890 CommonLII flag 2
Ex parte Reed and Bowen, In re Reed and Bowen [1886] UKLawRpKQB 71; (1886-1887) 17 QBD 244 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 17 Apr 1886 CommonLII flag 12

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