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Alivon , Provisional Syndics of the Estate and Effects of Peter Beuvain, a Bankrupt, v Furnival   flag  11

[1834] EngR 3; 1 Cr M & R 277; 149 ER 1084; 3 Tyr 9681
Court of Exchequer
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Didisheim v London and Westminster Bank [1900] UKLawRpCh 74; [1900] 2 Ch 15 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 2 Apr 1900 CommonLII flag 13
Attorney-General v Barry Docks and Railway Co [1887] UKLawRpCh 13; 35 Ch D 573 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 14 Jan 1887 CommonLII flag 2
[1998] Hkca 287 (2 July 1998) [1998] HKCA 287 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 2 Jul 1998 HKLII flag
Finch v The Co of Proprietors of the Birmingham Canal Navigations [1826] EngR 193; 108 ER 305; (1826) 5 B & C 820 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag 1
Evans v Roberts [1826] EngR 190; (1826) 5 B & C 829; 108 ER 309 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag 8
Mayfield v Wadsley [1824] EngR 109; 3 B & C 357; 107 ER 766 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1824 CommonLII flag 11
M Petrie v John Bury , Executors of James Bury [1824] EngR 103; 3 B & C 353; 107 ER 764 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1824 CommonLII flag 9
Hilton v Guyot 159 US 113; 40 L Ed 95; 16 SCt 139 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Jun 1895 WorldLII flag 221
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Howe [1906] UKLawRpAC 41; [1905] UKLawRpKQB 119; [1906] AC 455; (1905) 2 KB 612 United Kingdom 8 Jun 1905 CommonLII flag 73
Sims v Thomas [1841] IELawRpCL 8 (1840-1841) 3 ILR 415 Republic of Ireland 13 Jan 1841 BAILII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The Equitable Jurisdiction to Enforce Foreign Judgments" (2020) 39 University of Queensland Law Journal 313 Lee, Stephen Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hilton v Guyot 159 US 113; 40 L Ed 95; 16 SCt 139 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Jun 1895 WorldLII flag 221
Martin v Nicholls [1830] EngR 544; 3 Sim 458; 57 ER 1070 United Kingdom circa 1830 CommonLII flag 14
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Howe [1906] UKLawRpAC 41; [1905] UKLawRpKQB 119; [1906] AC 455; (1905) 2 KB 612 United Kingdom 8 Jun 1905 CommonLII flag 73
Sims v Thomas [1841] IELawRpCL 8 (1840-1841) 3 ILR 415 Republic of Ireland 13 Jan 1841 BAILII flag
2 Stark 424 2 Stark 424 United Kingdom flag 1

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