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Lee and Irish   flag 

[1815] EngR 228; 95 ER 111; [1815] Cast H 173
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
2 Lev 37 2 Lev 37 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 19
Foster v Pierson [1792] EngR 3018; 4 TR 617; 100 ER 1207 United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag 6
Hodgson, Executor of Hodgson, the Surviving Executor of Watson, v The East India Co [1799] EngR 746; 8 TR 278; 101 ER 1389 United Kingdom circa 1799 CommonLII flag 4
Proeh and Ar &wton 3 Lev 335 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
Privilege of Place [1795] EngR 2864; 91 ER 462; (1795) 2 Salk 546 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1795 CommonLII flag 1

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