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[1254] SC 2   flag  2

[1254] SC 2
Session Cases
United Kingdom - Scotland

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Charles Faussett,-Appellant; Michael Carpenter, Lessee of Charles Jones, lately deceased, and Elinor, his then Wife, now his Widow; Anna Maria Battersby, Widow; Elizabeth Palmer, Thomas Palmer, and William Palmer, Mungo Noble Henry Waller, Clerk; Augustus Beaufort, Clerk, and Mary his Wife; George Brabazon, Clerk, and Leonora his Wife; Robert Mayne, Esq, and Leonora his Wife; and Elizabeth Waller, Spinster-Respondents United Kingdom circa 1831 CommonLII flag
Samuel Cooke, Peter Free, and Edward Down,-Plaintiffs; John Bishop of Elphin, and the Rev Thomas Lloyd, Clerk,-Defendants [1831] EngR 217 United Kingdom circa 1831 CommonLII flag

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