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Matching Law Journal Articles: 30

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Transnational Communities and the Concept of Law" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 1 Roger Cotterrell United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"A Suggested Basis for Legal Ontology" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 19 Anthony Amatrudo United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Legitimacy, Political Equality, and Majority Rule" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 39 Wojciech Sadurski United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Non-Individualism, Rights, and Practical Reason" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 66 George Pavlakos United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Regular Practice of Morality in Law" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 94 Michael Giudice United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Of Mice and Men: God and the Canadian Supreme Court" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 107 Mark Glouberman United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Law-Linked Justice and Existence-Linked Justice" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 125 Peter Van Schilfgaarde United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"What Can One Expect from Logic in the Law? (Not Everything, but More than Something: A Reply to Susan Haack)" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 150 Eugenio Bulygin United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Relativism in Legal Thinking: Stanley Fish and the Concept of an Interpretative Community" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 157 Torben Spaak United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Nature and Basis of Human Dignity" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 173 Patrick Lee And Robert P George United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Contract Rights and Remedies, and the Divergence between Law and Morality*" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 194 Brian H Bix United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Legal Validity: An Inferential Analysis*" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 212 Giovanni Sartor United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"On the Wrong Track: Andrei Marmor on Legal Positivism, Interpretation, and Easy Cases" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 248 Pierluigi Chiassoni United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Hans Kelsen's Normativist Reductionism" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 268 Enrico Pattaro United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"On the Concept and the Nature of Law" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 281 Robert Alexy United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"On the Foundations of Law: Religion, Nature, Morals" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 300 Jan Rothkamm United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Mythology of Human Rights" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 312 Gunnar Beck United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Democratic Inclusion, Law, and Cause" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 348 Ludvig Beckman United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"What's in a War? (Politics as War, War as Politics)" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 365 Etienne Balibar United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Radbruch as an Affirmative Holist On the Question of What Ought to Be Preserved of His Philosophy" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 387 Dietmar Von Der Pfordten United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Sanction and Obligation in Hart's Theory of Law" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 404 Danny Priel United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Apropos of A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volumes 6-8" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 412 Jan Wolénski United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Some Remarks about Wolénski's Review" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 420 Andrea Padovani United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Pragmatics of Legal Language" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 423 Andrei Marmor United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Pluralistic Universe of Law: Towards a Neo-Classical Legal Pragmatism" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 453 Susan Haack United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Rational Reconstruction of Weighing and Balancing on the Basis of Teleological-Evaluative Considerations in the Justification of Judicial Decisions" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 481 Eveline T Feteris United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"The Strategic Use of Formal Argumentation in Legal Decisions" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 496 Harm Kloosterhuis United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Some Varieties of Linguistic Argumentation" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 507 Carel E Smith United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Locke on Toleration and Inclusion" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 518 Lee Ward United Kingdom circa 2008 flag
"Common Law and Common Sense" (2008) 21 Ratio Juris An International Journal of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law 541 Michael Lobban United Kingdom circa 2008 flag

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