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Didovich (or Didovic) v Wilson Rothery Ltd (No 2) (Compensation Court, Auckland)   flag 

(1951) 53 GLR 341
New Zealand
24th April, 1951

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Didovich (or Didovic) v Wilson Rothery Ltd (No 2) (Compensation Court, Auckland) (1951) 53 GLR 341 New Zealand 24 Apr 1951 NZLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act 1923 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Down v Compston (1937) 53 TLR 545 United Kingdom circa 1937 LexisNexis flag 2
Rees Roturbo Development Syndicate Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners 1928 1 KB 506 United Kingdom circa 1928 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Graham v Green (1925) 2 KB 37; [1925] All ER 690 United Kingdom circa 1925 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 37
Didovich (or Didovic) v Wilson Rothery Ltd (No 2) (Compensation Court, Auckland) (1951) 53 GLR 341 New Zealand 24 Apr 1951 NZLII flag
Didovich (or Didovic) v Wilson Rothery Ltd (No 2) (Compensation Court, Auckland) [1951] NZGazLawRp 46; (1951) 53 GLR 341 New Zealand Gazette Law Reports New Zealand circa 1951 NZLII flag 1
[1950] GLR 25 [1950] GLR 25 circa 1950 1
[1950] McR 133 [1950] MCR 133 Canada - Quebec circa 1950 flag 2

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