Walmesly v Marshall
[1819] EngR 168; 56 ER 647; (1819-1820) 4 Madd 105
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1819
Between The Most Noble Charles Duke of Norfolk, since deceased, Barnard Edward Howard, Esq, now Duke Of Norfolk, and The Honourable Edward Robert Petre, an Infant, under the age of twenty-one years, by the said Barnard Edward Howard, his Next Friend, which said Charles Duke Of Norfolk, and Barnard Edward Howard, were Trustees for, and the said Edward Robert Petre claims to be beneficially entitled to the Manor or Lordship and Town of Selby in the County of York, together with certain Corn-Mills there, called Selby Mills; and John Richardson and William Massey; Millers and Co-partners, the Tenants or Occupiers of the said Mills, Plaintiffs; and Robert Myers, John Capes, John Bradley and Susanna Walker, Widow, Resiants and Inhabitants within the said Manor or Lordship and Town of Selby; and William Walker, charged to be another Resiant and Inhabitant of the same Town, Defendants
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1819