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3 Inst 118   flag  8

3 Inst 118
Institutiones Justiniani

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Anonymous [1829] EngR 10 United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag
R v Kenyon [1827] EngR 178; 6 B & C 640; 108 ER 586 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1827 CommonLII flag 5
Beckwith v J Philby, J Wilks, and W Spicer [1827] EngR 16; 108 ER 585; (1827) 6 B & C 635 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1827 CommonLII flag 13
Jane Denton's Case [1823] EngR 110 United Kingdom circa 1823 CommonLII flag
Watson v Carr [1823] EngR 280 United Kingdom circa 1823 CommonLII flag
Wetherell v Watson [1822] EngR 136 United Kingdom circa 1822 CommonLII flag
R v The Mayor of London [1794] EngR 1823; 89 ER 569; (1794) 1 Show KB 274 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
R vers Tooley et Alios [1790] EngR 1996; 92 ER 349; (1790) 2 Ld Raym 1296 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1790 CommonLII flag 3

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