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3 CR 891; 129 Noy 44   flag  10

3 CR 891; 129 Noy 44
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Drury v Herkford [1685] EngR 1155; 83 ER 908; (1685) 1 Keb 216 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1685 CommonLII flag
10 Jac 9 Co 60, Bradshaw's case [1220] EngR 59 (1 January 1220) 10 Jac 9 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 1
6 Jac 7 Co 1, Clavin's case Alien, Denizen 7 Co 18 B 27, 2 Vent 6 See concerning Aliens, the statutes following 11 and 12 W 3, cap 6 12 W 3, cap 2 7 Annæ Cap 5 1 G 1, cap 4 5 G 1, cap 27 [1220] EngR 594 (1 January 1220) 6 Jac 7 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 1
7 E 6 Dyer 76 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 8
8 Jac 10 2 Cr 317, S C Co 88, Doctor Leyfield's case [1220] EngR 631 (1 January 1220) 2 CR 317; 8 Jac 10 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag
Yel 6, 211 1 Brown1 150 1 Bulst 129 King's Bench United Kingdom 1 Jan 1220 flag 4
6 Jac 7 6 Jac 7 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 1
10 Jac 9 10 Jac 9 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 1
2 CR 317; 8 Jac 10 2 CR 317; 8 Jac 10 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 10
7 E 6 Dyer 76 King's Bench United Kingdom WorldLII flag 8

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