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Matching Law Journal Articles: 17

Journal Article Title Citation(s) †  Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 4
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 14
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 31
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 47
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 53
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 97
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 105
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 156
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 193
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 198
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 237
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 258
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1094
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1889
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 4571
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 2950
3 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1991 circa 1991

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