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People v Amania   flag  12

220 SCRA 347
Philippine Supreme Court Reports Annotated
Supreme Court of the Philippines

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
People of the Philippines v Larry Consejero y Pascua and Rommel Malapit (at large) Larry Consejero y Pascua [2001] PHSC 186 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 20 Feb 2001 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Norberto Carrozo * @ “ Borbing ” , Claver Carrozo @ “ Claver ” , Dominador ** Antojado @ “ Badic ” , Domingo Polinga *** @ “ Doming ” , Wilfredo Manto @ “ Doydoy ” , Precilo Manto @ “ Ontoy ” , Carlos Carrozo @ “ Dongdong ” and Rodulfo Redubla **** @ “ Rudy ” Carlos Carrozo @ “ Dongdong ” , Precilo Manto @; “ Ontoy ” , Wilfredo Manto @ “ Doydoy ” , and Dominador Antojado @ “ Badic ” Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 12 Oct 2000 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Domingo Salazar y Seroma, alias "Inggo," Monchito Gotangugan y Sevilla alias "Monching" and John Doe Domingo Salazar y Seroma alias "Inggo" and Monchito Gotangugan y Sevilla alias "Monching," - GR [1997] PHSC 1425 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 11 Aug 1997 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Domingo Salazar y Seroma, alias "Inggo," Monchito Gotangugan y Sevilla alias "Monching" and John Doe Domingo Salazar y Seroma alias "Inggo" and Monchito Gotangugan y Sevilla alias "Monching," [1997] PHSC 663 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 11 Aug 1997 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Danny Angeles alias "Danny Fake" and John Doe Romeo Nell alias "Omeng," [1997] PHSC 531 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 1 Jul 1997 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Danny Angeles alias "Danny Fake" and John Doe Romeo Nell alias "Omeng," - GR [1997] PHSC 1294 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 1 Jul 1997 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Adronico Gregorio and Ricardo Gregorio, defendants [1996] PHSC 219 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 29 Mar 1996 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Joseph Supremo [1995] PHSC 302 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 31 May 1995 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Efren Rivero [1995] PHSC 156 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 15 Mar 1995 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Rene Nuestro y Jagonase [1995] PHSC 17 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 18 Jan 1995 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v George Decena y Rocaberte [1994] PHSC 444 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 4 Aug 1994 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Rolando Manlulu and Dante Samson [1994] PHSC 218 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 22 Apr 1994 AsianLII flag

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