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Matching Cases: 22

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
GM Scott Pty Ltd VMinister of Primary Industries and Energy [1994] AATA 269; (1994) 35 ALD 157; (1994) 20 AAR 249 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 9 Sep 1994 AustLII flag 8
Hawtin v Shire of Doncaster and Templestowe [1959] VicRp 71; [1959] VR 494; 20 LGRA 249 Australia - Victoria 1 Nov 1956 AustLII flag 4
Townsville Harbour Board v Scottish Shire Line Ltd [1914] HCA 33; (1914) 18 CLR 306; 20 ALR 249 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 May 1914 AustLII flag 15
(1902) 20 NZLR 249 (1902) 20 NZLR 249 New Zealand circa 1902 LexisNexis flag 1
Re Rush (1901) 20 NZLR 249 New Zealand circa 1901 LexisNexis flag 10
(1893) 20 Cal 249 (1893) 20 Cal 249 United States - California circa 1893 flag 2
Ex parte Coulson [1887] UKLawRpKQB 187; (1888) 20 QBD 249; 57 LJQB 149; 58 LT 119; 36 WR 142 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 28 Nov 1887 CommonLII flag 5
Milne v Ritchie [1882] ScotLR 20_249 United Kingdom - Scotland 13 Dec 1882 BAILII flag
Shaw v Forrest [1854] EngR 971; 52 ER 598; (1854) 20 Beav 249 Rolls Court United Kingdom circa 1854 CommonLII flag 1
(1851) 20 LJQB 249 (1851) 20 LJQB 249 United Kingdom circa 1851 flag 3
Henry v Herrington 86 NE 29; 193 NY 218; 20 LRANS 249; 20 LRA 249 United States - New York flag 4
20 NZLRSC 249 20 NZLRSC 249 New Zealand flag
20 Ljex 249 20 LJEx 249 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag
Smith v Newell 20 So 249 United States flag 1
20 LJCP 249 20 LJCP 249 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1
20 Wall 249 20 Wall 249 United States Supreme Court United States flag 1
20 Calc 249 20 Calc 249 India - West Bengal flag
People v Fontanosa 20 SCRA 249 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
20 NRC 249 20 NRC 249 United States flag 1
20 Mad 249 20 Mad 249 India flag 1
20 TLR 249 20 TLR 249 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag
Deno v Griffin 20 Pac Rep 308; 20 Nev 249 United States - Nevada flag 1

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