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Appropriation Securities,3 other Colonies,3 British Guiana See Allen v De Lisle   flag  3

1857 5 WR 158
Weekly Reporter
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Sinnadri Venkatanarasayya v Official Receiver, Godavari [1927] AllINRprMad 380; [1927] AIR Mad 826 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 2 Feb 1927 AsianLII flag
William Wilkinson and John Jackson, Executors of Walter Urquhart,-Appellants; Colin Simson, as Attorney of Wilkinson Dent, James M'Pherson, and Archibald Campbell,-Respondents [1838] EngR 471; 12 ER 1009; (1838) 2 Moore PC 275 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1838 CommonLII flag
John Campbell, Senior, and Co,-Appellants; Wilkinson Dent, James M'Pherson, ,-Respondents; and on Cross-Appeal, Wilkinson Dent, James M'Pherson, ,-Appellants; John Campbell, Senior, and Co,-Respondents [1838] EngR 1081; 12 ER 1016; (1838) 2 Moore PC 292 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1838 CommonLII flag 4

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