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BarEutu v Sut   flag  1

17 Yeates 479
Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports
United States - Pennsylvania

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Between Elizabeth Murthwaite, John Macpherson, and Charlotte, his Wife, , Plaintiffs; and George Barnard, Maria Barnard, Charles Murthwaite, John Cuthbertson, , Defendants And between George Barnard an Infant (by his Next Friend), Plaintiff; and Elizabeth Murthwaite, John Macperson, and Charlotte, his Wife, John Cuthbertson, , Defendants [1821] EngR 357; 129 ER 1106; (1821) 2 Brod & Bing 623 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1821 CommonLII flag 3

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