Re Van Phat Nguyen and Son Lanh Luu Ex Parte: Official Trustee In Bankruptcy
[1991] FCA 275
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
25 Jun 1991
Ex parte Joseph Neale M'Kenna, Arthur George Chapman, William Hinckes Cox and Charles Lee In the Matter of Thomas Laurence and William Mortimore, Bankrupts Case of The City Bank
[1861] EngR 292; 3 De GF & J 629; 45 ER 1022
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1861
Ex parte Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid and William King In the Matter of George Deane and Frederick Youle, Bankrupts
[1857] EngR 604; 44 ER 722; (1856-1857) 1 De G & J 257
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1856
President, Directors, and Co of the Bank of South Carolina, in the United States of America, v John Ashton Case, John Jackson, and William Brown, Assignees of the Estate and Effects of Thomas Crowder and Henry Thomas Perfect, Bankrupts
[1828] EngR 726; 8 B & C 427; 108 ER 1101
Kings Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1828