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Chan Shung FAI v Chan Kam Wah   flag 

[2023] HKDC 499
Hong Kong District Court
Hong Kong
18th April, 2023

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Yu Sau Ning Homer v Wong Wan Keung [2020] HKDC 40 Hong Kong District Court Hong Kong 17 Mar 2020 HKLII flag 1
Oriental Daily Publisher Ltd v Ming Pao Holdings Ltd [2012] HKCFA 59; [2013] 3 HKC 457; (2012) 15 HKCFAR 299 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 26 Sep 2012 HKLII flag 45
Downtex v Flatley [2004] EWHC 333 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2004 BAILII flag 4
John v MGN Ltd [1997] QB 586 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 216
Hung Yuen Chan Robert v Sing Tao Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 539 Hong Kong circa 1996 flag 6
Hung Yuen Chan Robert v Hong Kong Standard Newspapers Ltd & Others [1996] 4 HKC 519 Hong Kong circa 1996 flag 44
McCarey v Associated Newspapers Ltd (No 2) [1965] 2 QB 86; [1964] 3 All ER 947; [1965] 2 WLR 45 United Kingdom circa 1965 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 111

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