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Allwright & Allwright (No 2)   flag 

[2023] FedCFamC1F 901
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia - Division 1 First Instance
Australia - Commonwealth
20th October, 2023

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s60B, s60CA, s60CC, s61DA, s64B, s65AA, s65D, s65DAA, s121

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Goode & Goode [2006] FLC 93-286; [2006] FamCA 1346 Family Court of Australia Australia circa 2006 IntelliConnect flag 2131
Banks & Banks [2015] FamCAFC 36; [2015] FLC 93-637 Family Court of Australia Australia 12 Mar 2015 AustLII flag 792
RCB as Litigation Guardian of EKV, CEV, CIV and LRV v Hon Justice Colin James Forrest [2012] HCA 47; (2012) 247 CLR 304; (2012) 292 ALR 617; (2012) 48 Fam LR 236; (2012) 87 ALJR 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Nov 2012 AustLII flag 61
Bondelmonte & Bondelmonte (2017) 259 CLR 602 Australia - Commonwealth circa 2017 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1

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