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Pito and Comcare (Compensation)   flag 

[2019] AATA 1347
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
20th June, 2019

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s14, s43AA
Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) s43
aggravation (Cth)
ailment (Cth)
Commonwealth (Cth)
licensee (Cth)
employee (Cth)
injury (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Re Griffiths and Telstra Corporation Ltd [2013] AATA 695 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 27 Sep 2013 AustLII flag 7
Re Durham and TNT Australia Pty Ltd [2011] AATA 802; (2011) 124 ALD 136 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 15 Nov 2011 AustLII flag 26
Comcare v Reardon [2015] FCA 1166; (2015) 148 ALD 356 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Nov 2015 AustLII flag 51
Kennedy v Comcare [2014] FCA 82; (2014) 63 AAR 100 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Feb 2014 AustLII flag 30
Comcare v Lofts [2013] FCA 1197; (2013) 217 FCR 220; (2013) 137 ALD 522; (2013) 61 AAR 404 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Nov 2013 AustLII flag 41
Szabo v Comcare [2012] FCAFC 129 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2012 AustLII flag 29
Abrahams v Comcare [2006] FCA 1829; (2006) 93 ALD 147 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Dec 2006 AustLII flag 129
Lees v Comcare [1999] FCA 753; (1999) 56 ALD 84; (1999) 29 AAR 350 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jun 1999 AustLII flag 320
Commonwealth v Smith [1989] FCA 189; (1989) 18 ALD 224; 10 AAR 277 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 May 1989 AustLII flag 52
Commonwealth Banking Corporation v Percival [1988] FCA 240; (1988) 20 FCR 176; (1988) 82 ALR 54; (1988) 9 AAR 206 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Jul 1988 AustLII flag 151
Commonwealth v Beattie [1981] FCA 88; (1981) 53 FLR 191; (1981) 35 ALR 369 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Jul 1981 AustLII flag 305
Federal Broom Co Pty Ltd v Semlitch [1964] HCA 34; (1964) 110 CLR 626; [1964] ALR 1031; 38 ALJR 64 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Jun 1964 AustLII flag 862
Ogden Industries Pty Ltd v Lucas (1967) 116 CLR 593 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1967 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 4

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