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Union of India v Rina Devi   flag 

[2018] INSC 447
Supreme Court of India
9th May, 2018

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Railways Act, 1890 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 2017 SC 1436 AIR 2017 SC 1436 Supreme Court of India India circa 2017 flag 1
(2017) 13 Scale 652 (2017) 13 SCALE 652 Supreme Court of India India circa 2017 flag 1
[2013] Acj 1061 [2013] ACJ 1061 circa 2013 1
420 SC 18; [2011] Acj 2356 420 SC 18; [2011] ACJ 2356 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2011 flag 1
Jameela Vs Union of India (2010) 12 SCC 443 circa 2010 21
2009 1 KLT 914; 7 Acj 1845; 8 Acj 2487; 9 Acj 411 2009 1 KLT 914; 7 ACJ 1845; 8 ACJ 2487; 9 ACJ 411 India - Kerala circa 2009 flag 1
1 PLJR 2008 1 PLJR 2008 India - Bihar circa 2008 flag 1
Union of India Vs Prabhakaran Vijaya Kumar (2008) 9 SCC 527 circa 2008 27
Rathi Menon v Union of India (2001) 3 SCC 714 circa 2001 4
Kerala State Electricity Board & Anr Vs Valsala K & Anr (1999) 8 SCC 254 circa 1999 3
PA Narayanan Vs Union of India (1998) 3 SCC 67 circa 1998 2
(1998) 3 LLN 285 (1998) 3 LLN 285 India circa 1998 flag 1
Maghar Singh v Jashwant Singh (1998) 9 SCC 134 circa 1998 6
[1989] Act 2 [1989] Act 2 United Kingdom circa 1989 flag 4
Pratap Narain Singh Deo v Srinivas Sabata & Anr [1975] INSC 300; (1976) 1 SCC 289; 1976 2 SCR 872; AIR 1976 SC 222; [1976] Lab IC 222; [1976] ACJ 141 Supreme Court of India India 4 Dec 1975 LIIofIndia flag 34
Union of India v Raman Iron Foundry [1974] INSC 52; (1974) 2 SCC 231; AIR 1974 SC 1265; 1974 3 SCR 556 Supreme Court of India India 12 Mar 1974 LIIofIndia flag 36
Kesoram Industries & Cotton Mills Ltd v Comnmissioner of Wealth Tax, (Central) Calcutta [1965] INSC 259; (1966) 59 ITR 767; [1966] 2 SCR 688; AIR 1966 SC 1370 Supreme Court of India India 24 Nov 1965 LIIofIndia flag 31
25 Acj 529 25 ACJ 529 circa 1966 1
23 Acj 171 23 ACJ 171 circa 1966 1
14 Acj 702 14 ACJ 702 circa 1966 1
11 Acj 846 11 ACJ 846 circa 1966 1
5 Acj 713 5 ACJ 713 1

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