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Nolen and Special Broadcasting Service   flag 

[2014] AICmr 2
Australian Information Commissioner
14th January, 2014

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s29
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) s3A, s24A, s42, s58, s93A

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Waterford v Commonwealth [1987] HCA 25; (1987) 163 CLR 54; (1987) 71 ALR 673; 61 ALJR 350; 12 ALD 741 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Jun 1987 AustLII flag 1383
Mann v Carnell [1999] HCA 66; (1999) 201 CLR 1; (1999) 168 ALR 86; (1999) 74 ALJR 378; [2000] Aust Torts Reports 81-539; (1999) 21 Leg Rep 13 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Dec 1999 AustLII flag 1282
Esso Australia Resources Ltd v FCT [1999] HCA 67; (1999) 201 CLR 49; 168 ALR 123; (1999) 74 ALJR 339; (1999) 21 Leg Rep 2; 43 ATR 506; (1999) 2000 ATC 4,042 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Dec 1999 AustLII flag 1228
Grant v Downs [1976] HCA 63; (1976) 135 CLR 674; 11 ALR 577; 51 ALJR 198 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Nov 1976 AustLII flag 1125
Baker v Campbell [1983] HCA 39; (1983) 153 CLR 52; (1983) 49 ALR 385; (1983) 57 ALJR 749; 14 ATR 713; 83 ATC 4,606 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1983 AustLII flag 847
Osland v Secretary, Department of Justice [2008] HCA 37; (2008) 234 CLR 275; 249 ALR 1; 82 ALJR 1288 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2008 AustLII flag 374
Benecke v National Australia Bank (1993) 35 NSWLR 110 Australia - New South Wales circa 1993 LexisNexis AU flag 142
Langer and Telstra Corporation Ltd [2002] AATA 341; (2002) 68 ALD 762 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 10 May 2002 AustLII flag 80
Chu v Telstra Corporation Ltd [2005] FCA 1730; (2005) 147 FCR 505; 89 ALD 39; 42 AAR 100; 58 AILR 100-446 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Dec 2005 AustLII flag 66
E ’ and National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Management Authority [2012] AICmr 3 Australian Information Commissioner Australia 11 Jan 2012 AustLII flag 34
NSW Council for Civil Liberties Inc v Classification Review Board [2006] FCA 1409; (2006) 236 ALR 313 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Nov 2006 AustLII flag 16
Doney and Department of Finance and Deregulation [2012] AICmr 25 Australian Information Commissioner Australia 15 Oct 2012 AustLII flag 15
Re Bennett and Chief Executive Officer of Customs [2002] AATA 434; 50 ATR 1026 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 5 Apr 2002 AustLII flag 7
Parnell and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport [2011] AICmr 3 Australian Information Commissioner Australia 11 Apr 2011 AustLII flag 2
SZJFI v Minister for Immigration & Citizenship [2007] FCA 632 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 May 2007 AustLII flag 2

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