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"The Constitutional Review and Entrenchment of the Bill of Rights"   flag 

(2013) 19 Auckland University Law Review 27
Hunter, Stephen M
Auckland University Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"eroG v hsuB and Its Disguises: Freeing Bush v Gore from Its Hall of Mirrors" (2001) 115 Harvard Law Review 170 Harvard Law Review United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
R v Pora [2000] NZCA 403; [2001] 2 NZLR 37; (2000) 6 HRNZ 129; (2000) 18 CRNZ 270 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 20 Dec 2000 NZLII flag 131
Bush v Gore 531 US 98; 148 L Ed 2d 388; 121 SCt 525 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Dec 2000 WorldLII flag 90
Boy Scouts of America v Dale 530 US 640; 147 L Ed 2d 554; 120 SCt 2446 United States Supreme Court United States 28 Jun 2000 WorldLII flag 56
United States v Morrison 529 US 598; 146 L Ed 2d 658; 120 SCt 1740 United States Supreme Court United States 15 May 2000 WorldLII flag 309
Shaw v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [1999] 3 NZLR 154 New Zealand circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 27
"Tugging on Superman's Cape: Lessons from Experience with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990" [1998] Public Law 266 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1998 Westlaw flag 3
Quilter v Attorney-General [1997] NZCA 207; [1998] 1 NZLR 523; (1997) 2 CHRLD 206; (1997) 4 HRNZ 170; (1997) 16 FRNZ 298; (1997) 3 BHRC 461; [1998] NZFLR 196 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 17 Dec 1997 NZLII flag 137
New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General [1996] NZCA 475; [1996] 3 NZLR 140 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 13 Jun 1996 NZLII flag 49
(1990) 510 NZPD 3449 (1990) 510 NZPD 3449 New Zealand circa 1990 flag 1
Bowers v Hardwick 478 US 186; 92 L Ed 2d 140; 106 SCt 2841 United States Supreme Court United States 11 Sep 1986 WorldLII flag 206
Taylor v New Zealand Poultry Board [1984] 1 NZLR 394 New Zealand circa 1984 LexisNexis flag 82
Roe v Wade 410 US 113; 35 L Ed 2d 147; (1973) 41 USLW 4213; 93 SCt 705; 117 Idaho 118 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Feb 1973 WorldLII flag 992
Miranda v Arizona 384 US 436; 10 ALR 3d 974; 16 L Ed 694; 16 L Ed 2; 86 SCt 1826; 10 Ohio Misc 9; 16 L Ed 2d 694; 86 SCt 1602; 427 PA 486 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Oct 1966 WorldLII flag 4466
Griswold v Connecticut 381 US 479; 85 SCt 1678; 14 L Ed 2d 510 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Jun 1965 WorldLII flag 583
Cafeteria Workers v McElroy 367 US 886; 6 L Ed 2d 1230; 81 SCt 1743 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Oct 1961 WorldLII flag 466
Brown v Board of Education 347 US 483; 38 ALR 2d 1180; 98 L Ed 2d 873; [1954] Idaho 349; 98 L Ed 873; 74 SCt 686 United States Supreme Court United States 17 May 1954 WorldLII flag 1034
Korematsu v United States 323 US 214; 89 L Ed 194; 65 SCt 193; 89 L Ed 2d 194 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Feb 1945 WorldLII flag 229
Lochner v New York 198 US 45; 49 L Ed 937; 3 Ann Cas 1133; 3 A & E Ann Cas 1133; 25 SCt 539; 49 L Ed 2d 937 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Apr 1905 WorldLII flag 279
Plessy v Ferguson 163 US 537; 41 L Ed 256; 16 SCt 1138 United States Supreme Court United States 18 May 1896 WorldLII flag 274
Dred Scott v Sandford 60 US 393; 19 Howard 393; 15 L Ed 691 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1856 WorldLII flag 80
Marbury v Madison 5 US 137; 1 Cranch 137; 2 L Ed 135; 2 L Ed 60; 6 Pet 241 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1803 WorldLII flag 1029
Adarand Constructors,Inc v Pena 515 US 200 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 204

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