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Msflora Gupta v Jawahar Lal Nehru University - WP (C) 5725/2008   flag 

[2012] INDLHC 4016
High Court of Delhi
6th July, 2012

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Co ‑ operators Life Insurance Co v Gibbens (2009) 1 SCC 59; [2009] 3 SCR 605 circa 2009 12
DTC v Shyam Lal AIR 2004 SC 4271 Supreme Court of India India circa 2004 flag 2
Neha Jain v University of Delhi & Anr AIR 2002 Delhi 403 India - Delhi circa 2002 flag 1
State Bank of Patiala v Sksharma [1996] INSC 465; (1996) 3 SCC 364; 1996 3 SCALE 202; 1996 3 JT 722; AIR 1996 SC 1669 Supreme Court of India India 27 Mar 1996 LIIofIndia flag 167
Punjab Vs Dr Harbhajan Singh Greasy (1996) 9 SCC 322 circa 1996 12
Spackman v Plumstead District Board of Works (1985) 10 AC 229 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Sibaram Panda v Collector, Cuttack AIR 1982 Ori 117 India - Orissa circa 1982 flag 1
Maneka Gandhi v Union of India 1978 2 SCR 621 circa 1978 101
R v Home Secretary; Ex parte Hosenball [1977] 3 All ER 452; [1977] 1 WLR 766 United Kingdom circa 1977 LexisNexis flag 79
Fairmount Investments Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment [1976] 2 All ER 865; [1976] 1 WLR 1255 United Kingdom circa 1976 LexisNexis flag 119
(1948) 2 All Er 337 (1948) 2 All ER 337 United Kingdom circa 1948 LexisNexis flag 2
General Medical Council v Spackman [1943] AC 627; [1943] 2 All ER 337 United Kingdom circa 1943 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 198
R v Local Government Board, Ex parte Arlidge [1913] UKLawRpKQB 170; (1914) 1 KB 160 United Kingdom 17 Oct 1913 CommonLII flag 23
Board of Education v Rice [1911] UKLawRpAC 18; [1911] AC 179; [1911-13] All ER 36; 80 LJKB 796; 104 LT 689 King's Bench United Kingdom 6 Apr 1911 CommonLII flag 292
Hopkins v Smethwick Local Board of Health [1890] UKLawRpKQB 25; (1890) 24 QBD 712 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 1 Feb 1890 CommonLII flag 40
Cooper v Wandsworth Board of Works [1863] EngR 424; (1863) 14 CBNS 180; 143 ER 414; (1863) 32 LJCP 185 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 341
Boswel's Case [1572] EngR 48; 77 ER 326; (1572-1616) 6 Co Rep 48 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 20
83 LJKB 86 83 LJKB 86 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Narender Singh v University of Delhi 70 DLT 509 India - Delhi flag 1
54 LJMC 81 54 LJMC 81 United Kingdom flag 2
State Bank of Patiala v SKSharma and 19 DLT 735 India - Delhi flag 1
3 SCC 82 3 SCC 82 6

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