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Adil Rashid Siddiqui v Union of India Through Secretary - Case   flag 

[2011] INCAT 3506
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
2nd November, 2011

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Pawan Pratap Singh v Reevan Singh (2011) 3 SCC 267 circa 2011 16
(2007) 1 SCC (l & S) 116 (2007) 1 SCC (L & S) 116 Supreme Court of India India circa 2007 flag 1
Uttaranchal Forest Rangers Ass (Direct Recruit) and Othes v UP (2006) 10 SCC 346 circa 2006 26
[2000] SCC (l & S) 977 [2000] SCC (L & S) 977 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 2
[1994] SCC (l & S) 716 [1994] SCC (L & S) 716 Supreme Court of India India circa 1994 flag 1
Ram Janam Singh v Up [1994] INSC 56; AIR 1994 SC 1722; 1994 2 SCC 622; 1994 1 SCALE 200; 1994 1 JT 187; 1994 1 SCR 316 Supreme Court of India India 25 Jan 1994 LIIofIndia flag 12
[1991] SCC (l & S) 1070 [1991] SCC (L & S) 1070 Supreme Court of India India circa 1991 flag 3
[1988] SCC (l & S) 370 [1988] SCC (L & S) 370 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 1
A Janardhana v Union of India [1983] INSC 50; [1983] 2 SCR 936; AIR 1983 SC 769; 1983 1 SCALE 443; (1983) 3 SCC 601; [1983] SCC (L & S) 467 Supreme Court of India India 26 Apr 1983 LIIofIndia flag 44
NK Chauhan v Gujarat [1976] INSC 274; [1977] 1 SCR 1037; (1977) 1 SCC 308; AIR 1977 SC 251; [1977] SCC (L & S) 127 Supreme Court of India India 1 Nov 1976 LIIofIndia flag 33
Suraj Parkash Gupta v J & K(2000) 7 SCC 561 circa 2000 8
A Janardhana v Union of India(1983) 3 SCC 601 circa 1983 5
NK Chauhan v Gujarat(1977) 1 SCC 308 circa 1977 10

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