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"The Insider Trading Implications of Directors' Margin Loans"   flag  1

(2009) 8 Journal of Law and Financial Management 20
Overland, Juliette
Journal of Law and Financial Management

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Margin Loans, Insider Trading and Disclosure Obligations: A Study of the Securities Trading Policies of the ASX 100" (2020) 43 University of New South Wales Law Journal 1349 Overland, Juliette Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s9, s1042F, s1042G, s1043A
Corporations Regulations (Cth) s9.12.01
Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth) sIA19751976N3288.PDF.SINO_TEXT
Criminal Justice Act 1993

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Citigroup Global Markets Australia Pty Ltd (No 4) [2007] FCA 963; (2007) 160 FCR 35; (2007) 241 ALR 705; 62 ACSR 427; (2007) 25 ACLC 940 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jun 2007 AustLII flag 98
"Insider Trading Laws and Stock Markets Around the World: An Empirical Contribution to the Theoretical Law and Economics Debate" (2007) 32 Journal of Corporation Law 237 Journal of Corporation Law United States circa 2007 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
"There was Movement at the Station for the Word had Passed Around: How Does a Co Possess Inside Information under Australian Insider Trading Laws?" (2006) 3 Macquarie Journal of Business Law 241 Macquarie Journal of Business Law Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 2
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Vizard [2005] FCA 1037; (2005) 145 FCR 57; 219 ALR 714; 54 ACSR 394; 23 ACLC 1309 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jul 2005 AustLII flag 78
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Petsas [2005] FCA 88; (2005) 23 ACLC 269 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Feb 2005 AustLII flag 17
R v Rivkin [2004] NSWCCA 7; (2004) 184 FLR 365; (2004) 59 NSWLR 284 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal Australia - New South Wales 5 Feb 2004 AustLII flag 168
"s Knowledge" [2003] Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 291 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law United States circa 2003 flag 1
Eastern Nitrogen Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2001] FCA 366; (2001) 108 FCR 27; (2001) 188 ALR 415; (2000) 46 ATR 474; [2001] ATC 4,164 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Apr 2001 AustLII flag 96
Metal Manufactures Ltd v FCT [1999] FCA 1712; (1999) 43 ATR 375 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Dec 1999 AustLII flag 38
"Is insider trading a necessary evil for efficient markets?: an international comparative analysis" (1999) 17 Company and Securities Law Journal 220 Company and Securities Law Journal Australia circa 1999 Legal Online flag 3
"The enforcement dilemma in Australian securities regulation" (1999) 27 Australian Business Law Review 482 Australian Business Law Review Australia circa 1999 Legal Online flag 1
"Towards a property rights and market microstructural theory of insider trading regulation – the case of primary securities markets transactions" (1996) 7 Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice 212 Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice Australia circa 1996 Legal Online flag 3
Ampolex Ltd v Perpetual Trustee Co (Canberra) Ltd (1996) 20 ACSR 649; 14 ACLC 1 Australia circa 1996 LexisNexis AU flag 6
Zangzinchai v Millanta [1994] FCA 1361; (1994) 53 FCR 35; (1994) 125 ALR 265; (1994) 35 ALD 709 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Sep 1994 AustLII flag 58
"Reform of Insider Trading Law in Australia, The" (1992) 15 University of New South Wales Law Journal 214 University of New South Wales Law Journal Australia circa 1992 AustLII flag 5
"Corporate crime: making the law more credible" (1990) 8 Company and Securities Law Journal 369 Company and Securities Law Journal Australia circa 1990 Legal Online flag 2
"The Prosecution of Insider Trading: Obstacles to Enforcement" (1989) 22 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 65 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Australia circa 1989 flag 4
Societe Generale De Paris v the Tramways Union Co Ltd [1884] UKLawRpKQB 259; (1885) 11 AC 20; (1884) 14 QBD 424 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 18 Dec 1884 CommonLII flag 33
Marseilles Extension Railway Co, In re; Ex parte Credit Foncier and Mobilier of England [1871] UKLawRpCh 150; (1871) LR 7 LRCh App 161 United Kingdom 15 Dec 1871 CommonLII flag 15

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