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M/S Chandra Estates Ltd v M/S Tej Properties PVT Ltd & Others - S 3227/1990   flag 

[2008] INDLHC 2336
High Court of Delhi
20th August, 2008

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Companies Act (Tas)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1994 SC 105 AIR 1994 SC 105 Supreme Court of India India circa 1994 flag 6
Punjab v Gurdev Singh, Ashok Kumar [1991] INSC 205; (1991) 4 SCC 1; 1991 2 SCALE 365; 1991 3 JT 465; 1991 3 SCR 663; AIR 1991 SC 2219 Supreme Court of India India circa 1991 LIIofIndia flag 16
Air 1979 SC 1241 AIR 1979 SC 1241 Supreme Court of India India circa 1979 flag 11
R C Chandiok & Anr v Chuni Lal Sabharwal [1970] INSC 209; [1971] 2 SCR 573; AIR 1971 SC 1238; (1970) 3 SCC 140 Supreme Court of India India 12 Oct 1970 LIIofIndia flag 42
Air 1960 9 SC 978 AIR 1960 9 SC 978 Supreme Court of India India circa 1960 flag 1
Aniglase Yohannan v Ramlatha (2005) 7 SCC 534 circa 2005 22
Ouseph Varghese v Joseph Aley (1969) 2 SCC 539 circa 1969 9
[1986] SC 1912 [1986] SC 1912 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1912 flag 1
3 SCC 1 3 SCC 1 circa 1970 96
Air 1993 Mad 100 AIR 1993 Mad 100 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1993 flag 1
Chand Rani v Kamal Rani (1993) 1 SCC 519; [1993] SC 1742 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1993 flag 19
M Meenakshi v Metadin Agarwal,(2006) 7 SCC 470 circa 2006 5

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