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R v Le   flag 

[2007] QCA 259; (2007) 173 A Crim R 450
Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal
Australia - Queensland
10th August, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
R v Tichowitsch [2006] QCA 569; [2007] 2 Qd R 462 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 22 Dec 2006 AustLII flag 27
Butera v DPP (Vic) [1987] HCA 58; (1987) 164 CLR 180; 76 ALR 45; (1987) 62 ALJR 7; 30 A Crim R 417 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Dec 1987 AustLII flag 223
Driscoll v R [1977] HCA 43; (1977) 137 CLR 517; (1977) 15 ALR 47; (1977) 51 ALJR 731 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Aug 1977 AustLII flag 400

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