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M/Sheinz Italia & Anr v M/Sdabur India Ltd   flag 

[2007] INSC 635
Supreme Court of India
18th May, 2007

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Girnar Food & Beverages (P) Ltd (2004) 5 SCC 257 circa 2004 5
Another v Antox India (P) Ltd [1990] SCC Supl 727 Supreme Court of India India circa 1990 flag 6
Erven Warnink BV v J Townend & Sons (Hull) Ltd [1979] AC 731; [1979] 2 All ER 927; (1979) 1A IPR 666; [1979] 3 WLR 68; [1980] RPC 31; [1979] FSR 397 United Kingdom circa 1979 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 384
Air 1978 Delhi 250 AIR 1978 Delhi 250 India - Delhi circa 1978 flag 21
Glucon-D " with its packaging had earned a reputation in the market and it was the intention of the respondent to dishonestly appropriate his goodwill which was impermissible in view of the judgments reported in Corn Products Refining Co vs Shangrila Food Products Ltd AIR 1960 SC 142 Supreme Court of India India circa 1960 flag 30

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