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Krishan & Anr v Haryana - CRA-D-418-2000   flag 

[2006] INPBHC 3519
High Court of Punjab and Haryana
30th May, 2006

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
NNagendra Rao & Co v AP JT 1994 5 SC 572 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1994 flag 2
Sebastian M Hongray v Union of India [1984] INSC 87; (1984) 3 SCC 82; [1984] 3 SCR 544; 1984 1 SCALE 629; AIR 1984 SC 1026; [1984] SCC (Cri) 407 Supreme Court of India India 23 Apr 1984 LIIofIndia flag 16
Maharaj v Attorney-General of Trinidad and Tobago (No 2) [1978] UKPC 3; [1979] AC 385; [1978] 2 All ER 670; [1978] 2 WLR 902; (1978) 30 WIR 310 Privy Council United Kingdom 27 Feb 1978 BAILII flag 204
Air 1977 SC 1749 AIR 1977 SC 1749; [1977] SCC (Cri) 598; (1977) 4 SCC 358 Supreme Court of India India circa 1977 flag 8
Shyam Sunder and Othes v Rajasthan [1974] INSC 53; (1974) 1 SCC 690; 1974 3 SCR 549; AIR 1974 SC 890 Supreme Court of India India 12 Mar 1974 LIIofIndia flag 15
Bombay (Now Gujarat) v Memon Mahomed Haji Hasam [1967] INSC 150; (1967) 3 SCR 938; AIR 1967 SC 1885 Supreme Court of India India 5 May 1967 LIIofIndia flag 13
Kasturilal Ralia Ram Jain v Uttar Pradesh [1964] INSC 207; [1965] 1 SCR 375; AIR 1965 SC 1039 Supreme Court of India India 29 Sep 1964 LIIofIndia flag 22
Corporation of the City Ofnagpur v Its Employees [1960] INSC 43; [1960] 2 SCR 942; AIR 1960 SC 675 Supreme Court of India India 10 Mar 1960 LIIofIndia flag 23
Bombay v The Hospital Mazdoor Sabha [1960] INSC 13; [1960] 2 SCR 866; AIR 1960 SC 610 Supreme Court of India India 29 Jan 1960 LIIofIndia flag 72
(1883-84) 9 AC 61 (1883-84) 9 AC 61 United Kingdom circa 1883 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
2 SCR 942 2 SCR 942 circa 1960 3

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