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"Is It Better to Be Safe Than Sorry? the Cartagena Protocol Versus the World Trade Organisation"   flag 

[2005] VUWLawRw 17
Laidlaw, Anais Kedgley
Victoria University of Wellingtion Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The World Trade Organization Under Challenge: Democracy and the Law and Politics of the Wto's Treatment of Trade and Environment Matters" (2001) 25 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1 Harvard Environmental Law Review United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 6
"Genetic Engineering and International Law: Conflict or Harmony? An Analysis of the Biosafety Protocol, Gatt, and the Wto Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement" (2001) 20 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 295 Virginia Environmental Law Journal United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Genetically Modified Organisms and the Cartagena Protocol" (2001) 12 Fordham Environmental Law Journal 377 Fordham Environmental Law Journal United States circa 2001 Westlaw flag 1
GMOs ’) and the (2000) 39 International Legal Materials 1027 International Legal Materials United States circa 2000 HeinOnline flag 19
"Dueling Risk Assessments: Why the Wto and Codex Threaten US Food Standards" (2000) 30 Environmental Law 387 Environmental Law United States circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Cartagena Protocol On Biosafety: New Rules For International Trade In Living Modified Organisms" (2000) 12 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 697 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review United States circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Reconciling The Gatt And Wto With Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Can We Have Our Cake And Eat It Too?" (2000) 11 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 223 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy United States circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The International Challenge of Genetically Modified Organism Regulation" (2000) 8 New York University Environmental Law Journal 523 New York University Environmental Law Journal United States - New York circa 2000 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Big beef up or consumer health threat?: the WTO food safety agreement, bovine growth hormone and the precautionary principle" (1998) 15 Environmental and Planning Law Journal 115 Environmental and Planning Law Journal Australia circa 1998 Legal Online flag 2
"Limiting the Jurisdiction of Dispute Settlement Panels: The WTO Appellate Body Beef Hormone Decision" (1998) 10 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 915 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review United States circa 1998 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Environmental Protection and the 'Precautionary Principle': A Response to Scientific Uncertainty in Environmental Management" [1997] Environmental and Planning Law Journal 52 Environmental and Planning Law Journal Australia circa 1997 Legal Online flag 3
"Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the GATT: Conflict and Resolution?" (1996) 26 Environmental Law 841 Environmental Law United States circa 1996 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
(1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1168 (1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1168 International Legal Materials United States circa 1994 HeinOnline flag 1
(1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1153 (1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1153 International Legal Materials United States circa 1994 HeinOnline flag 1
(1994) 31 International Legal Materials 1226 (1994) 31 International Legal Materials 1226 International Legal Materials United States circa 1994 HeinOnline flag 1
Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and the Montreal Protocol (1993) 21 Intl Envt Rep 3151 United States circa 1993 flag 1
(1992) 1771 Unts 30822 (1992) 1771 UNTS 30822 International circa 1992 flag 3
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992) 31 International Legal Materials 874 International Legal Materials United States circa 1992 HeinOnline flag 67
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) 31 International Legal Materials 818 International Legal Materials United States circa 1992 HeinOnline flag 65
(1991) 2101 Unts 36508 (1991) 2101 UNTS 36508 International circa 1991 flag 1
Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and the Montreal Protocol [1989] International Legal Materials 657 International Legal Materials United States circa 1989 HeinOnline flag 1
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1973) 12 International Legal Materials 1085 International Legal Materials United States circa 1973 HeinOnline flag 13
(1969) 11ss Unts 18232 (1969) 11SS UNTS 18232 International circa 1969 flag 1
Tariffs and Trade (1947) 55 UNTS 187 International circa 1947 flag 51

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