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"Will the Punishment Fit the Crime? Corporate Manslaughter and the Problem of Sanctions"   flag  2

(2005) 8 Flinders Journal of Law Reform 113
Clough, Jonathan
Flinders Journal of Law Reform

Law Reform Reports Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
- Workplace deaths [2009] NSWLRC 122 New South Wales Law Reform Commission Australia - New South Wales circa 2009 AustLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Corporate Manslaughter: A Proposed Corporate Killing Offence for New Zealand" (2006) 12 Canterbury Law Review 157 Wong, Jonathan New Zealand circa 2006 NZLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Crimes Act 1900 (ACT)
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 (ACT) s49
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s601AB
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) s86C
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW) s108, s115, s116
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA)
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Tas)
Crimes (Workplace Deaths and Serious Injuries) Bill 2001 (Vic)
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 (Vic) s26
Occupational Health and Safety (Plant) Regulations 1995 (Vic)
Criminal Justice Act 1991

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"‘ No soul to damn: no body to kick ’ : an unscandalized inquiry into the problem of corporate punishment" (1981) 79 Michigan Law Review 386 Michigan Law Review United States circa 1981 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 24
"Allocation of Responsibility for Corporate Crime: Individualism, Collectivism and Accountability, The" (1988) 11 Sydney Law Review 468 Sydney Law Review Australia circa 1988 AustLII flag 19
"Community Service as a Sanction against Corporations" [1981] Wisconsin Law Review 970 Wisconsin Law Review United States - Wisconsin circa 1981 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 5
"Corporate Crime and Punishment: A Non-Chicago View of the Economics of Criminal Sanctions" (1980) 17 American Criminal Law Review 419 American Criminal Law Review United States circa 1980 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
"Corporate Sanctions: Scope for a New Eclecticism" (1982) 24 Malaya Law Review 26 Malaya Law Review Malaysia circa 1982 HeinOnline flag 2
"Introduction Comment, Ancient Law and the Punishment of Corporations: Of Frankpledge and Deodand" (1991) 71 Boston University Law Review 307 Boston University Law Review United States circa 1991 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Making the Punishment Fit the Corporation: The Problems of Finding an Optimal Corporation Criminal Sanction" (1980) 1 Northern Illinois University Law Review 3 Northern Illinois University Law Review United States circa 1980 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"On the Nature of Reputational Penalty for Corporate Crime: Evidence" 42 Journal of Law and Economics 489 Journal of Law and Economics United States circa 1980 HeinOnline flag 1
"Regulating Corporate Criminal Sanctions: Federal Guidelines and the Sentencing of Public Firms" (1999) 42 Journal of Law and Economics 393 Journal of Law and Economics United States circa 1999 HeinOnline flag 2
"Structural Crime and Institutional Rehabilitation: A New Approach to Corporate Sentencing" (1979) 89 Yale Law Journal 353 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1979 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 5
"The Economic Inefficiency of Corporate Criminal Liability" (1982) 73 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 582 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology United States circa 1982 HeinOnline flag 2
"To Let the Punishment Fit the Organization: Sanctioning Corporate Offenders Through Corporate Probation" (1988) 16 American Journal of Criminal Law 73 American Journal of Criminal Law United States circa 1988 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Use of Publicity as a Criminal Sanction against Business Corporations, The" (1971-1972) 8 Melbourne University Law Review 107 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 1972 AustLII flag 3
(1987) 37 Case Western Reserve Law Review 569 (1987) 37 Case Western Reserve Law Review 569 Case Western Reserve Law Review United States circa 1987 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
(2002) 7 Deakin Law Review 16 (2002) 7 Deakin Law Review 16 Deakin Law Review Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 1
Attorney-General's Reference No 2 of 1999 [2000] EWCA Crim 91; [2000] QB 796; [2000] 3 All ER 182; [2000] 2 Cr App R 207; [2001] BCC 210; [2000] IRLR 417; [2000] Crim LR 475; [2000] 3 WLR 195; [2000] 2 BCLC 257 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Criminal Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 15 Feb 2000 BAILII flag 37
DPP v Esso Australia Pty Ltd (No 2) [2001] VSC 401; 126 A Crim R 13 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 3 Oct 2001 AustLII flag 14
Hoare v R [1989] HCA 33; (1989) 167 CLR 348; (1989) 86 ALR 361; 40 A Crim R 391; (1989) 63 ALJR 505 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jun 1989 AustLII flag 426
R v HM Coroner for East Kent; Ex parte Spooner (1989) 88 Cr App R 10 United Kingdom circa 1989 LexisNexis flag 16
R v P & O European Ferries (Dover) Ltd (1991) 93 Cr App R 72; [1991] Crim LR 695 United Kingdom circa 1991 LexisNexis flag 15
US v Allegheny Bottling Co 695 FSupp 856 United States circa 1972 Westlaw flag 3

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