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"The Common Heritage of Mankind in Antarctica: An Analysis in Light of the Threats Posed by Climate Change"   flag  2

(2004) 1 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 149
Loan, Jeffrey
New Zealand Yearbook of International Law
New Zealand

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Fisheries, forests and the common heritage of Mankind" [2014] NZPubIntLawJl 11 Pullar, Andrew New Zealand circa 2014 NZLII flag
"Antarctica and International Security discourse: A Primer" (2008) 6 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 3 Rothwell, Donald R; Nasu, Hitoshi New Zealand circa 2008 NZLII flag 1

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Tragedy Of Fragmentation" (2002) 36 Valparaiso University Law Review 307 Valparaiso University Law Review United States circa 2002 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Climate Change 2001: Kyoto at Bonn and Marrakech" (2002) 29 Ecology Law Quarterly 395 Ecology Law Quarterly United States circa 2002 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Antarctic Mining Regimes: An Appreciation of the Attainable" (2001) 16 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 467 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation United States circa 2001 HeinOnline flag 1
"Reconciling Natural Law and Legal Positivism in the Deep Seabed Mining Provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea" (2001) 15 Temple International & Comparative Law Journal 313 Temple International & Comparative Law Journal United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"Book Review: The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law" (1999) 13 Emory International Law Review 615 Emory International Law Review United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Saving the Ice Princess: Ngo's, Antarctica & International Law in the New Millennium" (1999) 23 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 57 Suffolk Transnational Law Review United States circa 1999 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Sustainable Development and the 1991 Madrid Protocol to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty: The Primacy of Protection in a Particularly Sensitive Environment" (1999) 2 Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 291 Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy circa 1999 2
"The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" (1998) 37 International Legal Materials 22 International Legal Materials United States circa 1998 HeinOnline flag 66
"The Tragedy of the Global Commons" (1998) 5 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 601 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies United States circa 1998 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"The Balance of Nature and Human Needs in Antarctica: The Legality of Mining" (1995) 999 Temple International & Comparative Law Journal 387 Temple International & Comparative Law Journal United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
(1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1309 (1994) 33 International Legal Materials 1309 International Legal Materials United States circa 1994 HeinOnline flag 6
"The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty: Questions of Effectiveness" (1994) 7 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 1 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review United States circa 1994 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"The Deep Seabed: The Common Heritage of Mankind or Arena for Unilateral Exploitation?" (1992) 40 Naval Law Review 207 Naval Law Review United States circa 1992 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) 31 International Legal Materials 848 International Legal Materials United States circa 1992 HeinOnline flag 7
(1992) 14 Houston Journal of International Law 597 (1992) 14 Houston Journal of International Law 597 Houston Journal of International Law United States circa 1992 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"A World Park in Antarctica: The Common Heritage of Mankind" (1990) 10 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 109 Virginia Environmental Law Journal United States circa 1990 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Article I of the Outer Space Treaty Revisited" (1989) 17 Journal of Space Law 129 Journal of Space Law United States circa 1989 HeinOnline flag 3
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and other Celestial Bodies (New York, 18 December 1979) [1986] ATS 14 Australia circa 1986 AustLII flag 1
"The Common Heritage of Mankind: Utopia or Reality?" (1985) 40 International Journal 423 International Journal Canada circa 1985 HeinOnline flag 2
"The Peaceful Purpose Standard of the Common Heritage of Mankind Principle in Outer Space Law" (1985) 9 ASILS International Law Journal 117 ASILS International Law Journal United States circa 1985 HeinOnline flag 1
"Protection of the Global Heritage" [1981] American Society of International Law Proceedings 52 American Society of International Law Proceedings United States circa 1981 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"The Common Heritage of Mankind as a Legal Concept" (1975) 9 International Lawyer 153 International Lawyer United States circa 1975 HeinOnline flag 1
(1959) 19 International Legal Materials 860 (1959) 19 International Legal Materials 860 International Legal Materials United States circa 1959 HeinOnline flag 1
"Sorting Out the Debate Over Customary International Law" 42 Virginia Journal of International Law 365 Virginia Journal of International Law United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 12

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