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KDJ & KPJ   flag 

[2004] FMCAfam 54
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia
12th January, 2004

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re G: Children ’ s Schooling [2000] FamCA 462; 155 FLR 459; [2000] FLC 93-025; (2000) 26 Fam LR 143 Family Court of Australia Australia 23 Jan 2000 AustLII flag 147
Cowling v Cowling [1998] FamCA 19; 143 FLR 400; [1998] FLC 92-801; (1998) 22 Fam LR 776 Family Court of Australia Australia 20 Mar 1998 AustLII flag 213
Newbery [1977] FLC 90-205 Australia circa 1977 IntelliConnect flag 13

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