Vehicle Industry - Repair, Services and Retail - Award 1980 and The Vehicle Industry Award 1972; General Clerks (Northern Territory) Award 1980; Transport Workers (Airlines) Award 1980; Graphic Arts Award 1977; Metal Industry Award 1971; Building and Construction Industry (Northern Territory) Award 1977 and The Tanning Industry Award 1979
[1981] CthArbRp 1602; (1981) 257 CAR 619
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
19 Jun 1981
(1976) 176 Car 485
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1976
Clothing Trades Award 1964; The Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Industry Award 1966; The Metal Industry Award 1971; The Footwear (Wood Heel, Last, Counter, Unishank and Toe-Puff) Manufacturing Award 1951; The Footwear Manufacturing Industry Award 1963; The Textile Industry Award 1972
[1973] CthArbRp 1452; (1973) 153 CAR 704
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
17 Dec 1973
Vehicle Industry Award 1953; The Vehicle Manufacturers Association of Australia v The Vehicle Builders Employees Federation of Australia
[1966] CthArbRp 898; (1966) 116 CAR 583
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
14 Dec 1966