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CMANo 690/94 v C Santhamani - Civil Miscellaneous Appeal   flag 

[2002] INTNHC 952
High Court of Madras
India - Madras
5th December, 2002

Legislation Cited

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Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
CM Jaya [2002] ACJ 271 circa 2002 6
National Insurance Co Ltd Vs Nathilal 1999 1 SCC 552 circa 1999 4
Amrit Lal Sood v Kaushalya Devi Thapar [1998] ACJ 531 circa 1998 8
National Insurance Co Ltd VS Jugal Kishore (a Ir [1998] SC 719 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1998 flag 2
United India Insurance Coltd v MR Subramanian & Another [1996] ACJ 1260 circa 1996 1
[1995] Acj 829 [1995] ACJ 829 circa 1995 2
Shanti Bai [1995] ACJ 470 circa 1995 5
United India Insurance Co Ltd , v Rajammal [1993] ACJ 486 circa 1993 2
New India Assurance Co TD , v K Chandra [1991] ACJ 386 circa 1991 2

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