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Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium - Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 - Memorial of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (French version only) - Written Proceedings   flag 

[2001] ICJTrans 13
International Court of Justice
15th May, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Al-Adsani v Government of Kuwait (1996) 107 ILR 536 circa 1996 24
Al-Adsani v Government of Kuwait (1995) 103 ILR 420 circa 1995 4
A1-Adsani v Kuwait (1994) 100 ILR 465 circa 1994 4
(1991) 88 Ilr 189 (1991) 88 ILR 189 circa 1991 1
(1987) 79 Ilr 8 (1987) 79 ILR 8 circa 1987 1
 Pa Super 1971 � Pa Super 1971 United States - Pennsylvania circa 1971 flag
[1916] PM 1915-16 [1916] PM 1915-16 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 1
Alexander Murray v Charming Betsy 6 US 64; 2 Cranch 64; 2 L Ed 208; 6 Cranch 64 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1804 WorldLII flag 137
cert denied 507 US 1017; 113 SCt 1812; 123 L Ed 2d 444 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 40
136 f 2 136 F 2 2
115 SCt 923 115 SCt 923 United States Westlaw flag 6
113 Ilr 543 113 ILR 543 2
Saudi Arabin v Nelson 100 ILR 545 1
81 Ilr 658 81 ILR 658 2

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