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Estrellita J Tamano v Hon Rodolfo a Ortiz, Presiding Judge, RTC-Br 89, Quezon City, Haja Putri Zorayda a Tamano, Adib a Tamano and the Hon Court of Appeals   flag 

[1998] PHSC 375
Supreme Court of the Philippines
29th June, 1998

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1996) 262 Scra 109 (1996) 262 SCRA 109 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1996 flag 1
Bernardo, Sr v Court of Appeals 263 SCRA 660 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 15
5 Sec 2 5 SEC 2 United States flag 38
4 Sec 19 4 SEC 19 United States flag 15
3 Sec 79 3 SEC 79 United States flag 3

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