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Shell Gas Co v All Ceylon Commercial and Industrial Worker'S Union - SLR - 118, Vol 1 of 1998   flag 

[1997] LKCA 6
Sri Lankan Court of Appeal
Sri Lanka
17th September, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
1996 1 SLR 8 1996 1 SLR 8 Singapore - Singapore circa 1996 LexisNexis flag 1
Kumarasena v Data Management Systems Ltd (1987) 2 SLR 190 Singapore - Singapore circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 3
Nadaraja Ltd v Krishnandasan - NLR - 255 of 78 [1976] LKSC 4; 78 NLR 255 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 13 Jun 1976 AsianLII flag 8
In Re Ratnagopal - NLR - 409 of 70 [1968] LKSC 4; 70 NLR 409 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 9 Apr 1968 AsianLII flag 7
Sameen v Abeyawickrema - NLR - 442 of 61 [1960] LKCA 15; (1960) 61 NLR 442 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 1 Feb 1960 AsianLII flag 3
Seebert Silva v Aronona Silva - NLR - 272 of 60 [1957] LKCA 39; (1957) 60 NLR 272 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 3 Dec 1957 AsianLII flag 6
Gunawardene v Kelaart 48 NLR 522 Sri Lanka circa 1957 flag 7
K v Jayawardane 48 NLR 489 Sri Lanka circa 1957 flag 2
2 SLR 73 2 SLR 73 Singapore - Singapore circa 1957 LexisNexis flag 1
2 SLR 70 2 SLR 70 Singapore - Singapore circa 1957 LexisNexis flag 1

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