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Bhuri Nath v Jammu & Kashmir   flag 

[1997] INSC 19
Supreme Court of India
10th January, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1952 Pun 143 AIR 1952 Pun 143 India - Punjab circa 1952 flag 3
Air 1952 SC 252 AIR 1952 SC 252 Supreme Court of India India circa 1952 flag 21
Air 1957 Ap 758 AIR 1957 AP 758 India - Andhra Pradesh circa 1957 flag 1
Air 1968 Ker 156 AIR 1968 Ker 156 India - Kerala circa 1968 flag 1
Air 1976 Pat 36 AIR 1976 Pat 36 India - Bihar circa 1976 flag 1
Air 1976 Pat 39 AIR 1976 Pat 39 India - Bihar circa 1976 flag 1
Air 1982 P & H 439 AIR 1982 P & H 439 India - Punjab circa 1982 flag 3
Air 1986 Ap 275 AIR 1986 AP 275 India - Andhra Pradesh circa 1986 flag 1
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co v City of Los Angeles 227 US 278; 57 L Ed 510; 33 SCt 312; 57 L Ed 2d 510 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Feb 1913 WorldLII flag 75
Katra Educational Society v Uttar Pradesh [1966] INSC 15; 1966 3 SCR 328; AIR 1966 SC 1307 Supreme Court of India India 17 Jan 1966 LIIofIndia flag 6
Mst Punna (Dead) By Lrs AIR 1978 SC 1314 Supreme Court of India India circa 1978 flag 1
2 SCC 831 2 SCC 831 circa 1966 5
2 SCR 531 2 SCR 531 circa 1966 5
3 SCC 1 3 SCC 1 circa 1966 96
4 SCC 119 4 SCC 119 circa 1966 7
9 SCC 548 9 SCC 548 circa 1966 4

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