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Francisco Bastos Moriana, Cristobal Aguilera Reyes, Cristobal Gordo Valle, Fernando Romero Ramos, Rosa Moscato and Ana Munoz Abato v Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeit   flag 

[1997] EUECJ C-59/95
Court of Justice of the European Communities
27th February, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1997] Page I-01071 [1997] Page I-01071 United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 1
Athanasopoulos v Bundesanstalt f r Arbeit [1991] ECR I-2797 Europe circa 1991 flag 7
Case C-186/90 Durighello v INPS [1991] ECR I-5773 Europe circa 1991 flag 10
Gravina v Landesversicherungsanstalt Schwaben [1980] ECR 2205 Europe circa 1980 flag 10
Petroni v ONPTS [1975] ECR 1149 Europe circa 1975 flag 12
CCAF v Laterza [1980] ECR 1915 Europe circa 1915 flag 7

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