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Ap v SBP vchalapathi Rao   flag 

[1994] INSC 542; 1994 4 SCALE 637; (1994) 7 JT 178; 1995 1 SCC 725; AIR 1995 SC 557
Supreme Court of India
24th October, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Brijendra Singh v Up [1980] INSC 223; 1981 1 SCC 597; 1981 2 SCR 287; AIR 1981 SC 636 Supreme Court of India India 25 Nov 1980 LIIofIndia flag 5
Authorised Officer, Thanjavur & Anr v S Naganatha Ayyar [1979] INSC 107; (1979) 3 SCC 466; 1979 3 SCR 1121; AIR 1979 SC 1487 Supreme Court of India India 4 May 1979 LIIofIndia flag 5
Air 1994 SC 471 AIR 1994 SC 471 Supreme Court of India India circa 1994 flag 1
2 SCR 287 2 SCR 287 circa 1979 3
725 JT 1994 725 JT 1994 circa 1994 1
Air 1991 SC 1928 AIR 1991 SC 1928 Supreme Court of India India circa 1928 flag 1

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