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Prafulla Kumar Mohap v Jayakrushna Mohapatra & 2 Others - Ma   flag 

[1994] INORHC 3
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
4th January, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1963] Se 36 [1963] SE 36 United States circa 1963 flag 1
Civil Procedure Code [1908] OR 39 Canada circa 1908 flag 4
63 CLT 326 63 CLT 326 Canada circa 1908 flag 1
5 Revue Legale 20 5 Revue Legale 20 Revue Legale Canada - Quebec circa 1908 flag 1
1 Revue Legale 2 1 Revue Legale 2 Revue Legale Canada - Quebec flag 9

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