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O'Neal v P Broadwater   flag 

[1993] USCA4 1050
United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
United States
3rd June, 1993

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1993) 993 f2d 1538 (1993) 993 F2d 1538 United States circa 1993 Westlaw flag 27
Maleng v Cook 490 US 488; 104 L Ed 2d 540; 109 SCt 1923 United States Supreme Court United States 15 May 1989 WorldLII flag 246
Harris v Oklahoma 439 US 970; 99 SCt 464; 58 L Ed 2d 431 United States Supreme Court United States 13 Nov 1978 WorldLII flag 163
Gordon v Leeke 574 F2d 1147 United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit United States 2 May 1978 WorldLII flag 100
Preiser v Rodriguez 411 US 475; 36 L Ed 2d 439; 93 SCt 1827; 36 L Ed 439 United States Supreme Court United States 7 May 1973 WorldLII flag 941

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