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Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic (Free movement of goods)   flag 

[1993] EUECJ C-228/91
Court of Justice of the European Communities
25th May, 1993

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Dassonville [1974] EUECJ R-8/74; [1974] 2 CMLR 436; [1974] ECR 837 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Jul 1974 BAILII flag 146
De Peijper [1976] ECR 613; [1976] 2 CMLR 271 Europe circa 1976 flag 23
Denkavit [1979] ECR 3369 Europe circa 1979 flag 12
Frans-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Biologische Producten [1981] ECR 3277 Europe circa 1981 flag 6
Commission v United Kingdom [1983] ECR 203; [1983] 2 CMLR 1 Europe circa 1983 flag 13
Kramer [1976] ECR 1279 Europe circa 1976 flag 14
Abeele v Belgian State [1981] ECR 995 Europe circa 1981 flag 1
Van Bennekom [1983] ECR 3883 Europe circa 1983 flag 29
Moormann [1988] ECR 4689 Europe circa 1988 flag 8
Commission v Greece [1991] ECR I-1361 Europe circa 1991 flag 5
[1993] Page I-02701 [1993] Page I-02701 United Kingdom circa 1993 flag 1

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