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Re Punpen Turnbull and Commonwealth of Australia and Commission of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees   flag 

[1989] AATA 52
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
9th March, 1989

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s25
Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) s15AA
Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) s4, s24, s60, s62, s64, s67, s123, s124, s125, s126, s127, s128, s129, s137, s139
Social Security and Repatriation Legislation Amendment Act 1985 (Cth) s35, s39, s45

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1988] Act 29 [1988] Act 29 United Kingdom circa 1988 flag 3
Australian Telecommunications Commission v King [1984] FCA 61; (1985) 5 FCR 42; 8 ALN N74 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Mar 1984 AustLII flag 39
Heath v The Commonwealth [1982] HCA 61; (1982) 151 CLR 76; (1982) 43 ALR 673; (1982) 56 ALJR 893 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 43
Johnston v Commonwealth [1982] HCA 54; (1982) 150 CLR 331; (1982) 43 ALR 559; (1982) 56 ALJR 833 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Sep 1982 AustLII flag 192
J & H Timbers Pty Ltd v Nelson [1972] HCA 12; (1972) 126 CLR 625; [1972] ALR 331; 46 ALJR 152 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Feb 1972 AustLII flag 161
[1971] Act 65 [1971] Act 65 United Kingdom circa 1971 flag 1
Dawkins v Metropolitan Coal Co Ltd [1947] HCA 52; (1947) 75 CLR 169; [1948] 2 ALR 533; (1947) 21 ALJR 403 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Dec 1947 AustLII flag 20
Ball v William Hunt & Sons Ltd [1912] UKLawRpAC 29; [1912] AC 496; 5 BWCC 459 United Kingdom 13 May 1912 CommonLII flag 223
Re Howden and Commonwealth of Australia 13 ALD 567 Australia circa 1912 LexisNexis AU flag 4
Re Gibson 7 ALD 558 Australia circa 1912 LexisNexis AU flag 15

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