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Minister of Law and Order v Dempsey (12/1988)   flag 

[1988] ZASCA 12; [1988] 2 All SA 278
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
South Africa
11th March, 1988

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Pillay v Krishna [1946] AD 946 circa 1946 188
Sachs v Minister of Justice [1934] AD 11 circa 1934 20
Johannesburg Municipality v African Realty Trust Ltd [1927] AD 163 circa 1927 13
Union Government (Minister of Railways) v Sykes [1913] AD 156 circa 1913 54
Shidiack v Union Government (Minister of the Interior) [1912] AD 642 circa 1912 94
15 SA 87 15 SA 87 South Africa circa 1912 LexisNexis flag 1

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