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Atul Khullar v J & K   flag 

[1986] INSC 74; 1986 1 SCALE 1329; [1986] SCC Supl 225; 1986 2 SCR 560; AIR 1986 SC 1224
Supreme Court of India
15th April, 1986

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Triloki Nath & Anr v Jammu & Kashmir [1968] INSC 120; [1969] 1 SCR 103; AIR 1969 SC 1 Supreme Court of India India 23 Apr 1968 LIIofIndia flag 9
Suman Gupta v J & K [1983] INSC 124; 1983 2 SCALE 305; 1983 4 SCC 339; 1983 3 SCR 985; AIR 1983 SC 1235 Supreme Court of India India 19 Sep 1983 LIIofIndia flag 7
Koshal Kumar Gupta v J & K [1984] INSC 76; (1984) 2 SCC 652; 1984 3 SCR 407; 1984 1 SCALE 661; [1984] SCC (L & S) 337; AIR 1984 SC 1056 Supreme Court of India India 5 Apr 1984 LIIofIndia flag 6
571 f 572 571 F 572 circa 1984 4

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