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Deloitte Haskins and Sells Ltd v Workers' Compensation Board   flag  5

[1985] 1 SCR 785
13th June, 1985

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Canada v TCT Logistics Inc [2006] SCC 35; [2006] 2 SCR 123; [2006] SCJ No 36 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 27 Jul 2006 Supreme Court of Canada flag 1
DIMS Construction inc (Trustee of) v Quebec (Attorney General) [2005] SCC 52; [2005] 2 SCR 564; [2005] SCJ No 52 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 6 Oct 2005 Supreme Court of Canada flag 3
Re Giffen (1998) 155 DLR (4th) 332; [1998] 1 SCR 91 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 12 Feb 1998 Supreme Court of Canada flag 11
Husky Oil Operations Ltd v Minister of National Revenue [1995] 3 SCR 453 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 19 Oct 1995 Supreme Court of Canada flag 9
Federal Business Development Bank v Quebec (Commission de la sant é et de la s é curit é du travail) [1988] 1 SCR 1061 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 26 May 1988 Supreme Court of Canada flag 6

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Insurance Act

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1985] Docket 17587 [1985] Docket 17587 United States - Pennsylvania circa 1985 flag 1
[1983] 3 WWR 587; 144 DLR (3d) 525; 25 Alta LR (2d) 57; 43 Ar 241 [1983] 3 WWR 587; 144 DLR (3d) 525; 25 Alta LR (2d) 57; 43 AR 241 Canada - Alberta circa 1983 flag 1
Multiple Access Ltd v McCutcheon [1982] 2 SCR 161 circa 1982 30
L ’ é coute Compensation Board v Kinross Mortgage Corporation [1982] 1 WWR 87 Canada circa 1982 flag 1
Director of Labour Standards of Nova Scotia and Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia v Trustee in Bankruptcy (1981) 38 CBR (NS) 253 Canada circa 1981 flag 2
Re Black Forest Restaurant Ltd (1981) 37 CBR (NS) 176 Canada circa 1981 flag 3
Davis v L ’ é coute Compensation Board [1980] 2 WWR 349 Canada circa 1980 flag 1
Deputy Minister of Revenue v Rainville [1980] 1 SCR 35 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 20 Nov 1979 Supreme Court of Canada flag 6
Davis v L ’ é coute Compensation Board (Alberta) (1979) 33 CBR (NS) 146 Canada circa 1979 flag 1
Construction Montcalm Inc v Minimum Wage Commission [1979] 1 SCR 754 circa 1979 22
Quebec North Shore Paper Co v Canadian Pacific Ltd [1977] 2 SCR 1054; 71 DLR (3d) 111; 9 NR 471 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 29 Jun 1976 Supreme Court of Canada flag 15
Re Trinel Office Products Ltd; L ’ é coute Compensation Board of Alberta v Davis (1971) 14 CBR (NS) 248 Canada circa 1971 flag 1
Workmen ’ s Compensation Board v Provincial Treasurer of Alberta (1967) 59 WWR 298 Canada circa 1967 flag 1
Re R A Nelson Construction Ltd (1966) 8 CBR (NS) 221 Canada circa 1966 flag 1
Re Clemenshaw; L ’ é coute Compensation Board v Canadian Credit Men ’ s Trust Association Ltd (1963) 4 CBR (NS) 238 Canada circa 1963 flag 1
Produits Caoutchouc Marquis Inc v Trottier (Re Gingras Automobile Lt é e) [1962] SCR 676 circa 1962 19
Royal Bank of Canada v Larue [1928] AC 187 United Kingdom circa 1928 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 16
87 SA 1973 87 SA 1973 South Africa circa 1973 LexisNexis flag 1
Smith v R 25 DLR (2d) 225; [1960] SCR 776 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 4 Oct 1960 Supreme Court of Canada flag 15

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