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Pio Barretto Realty Development, Inc v the Hon Court of Appeals (Sixth Division) and Honor Moslares   flag 

[1984] PHSC 286
Supreme Court of the Philippines
31st August, 1984

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
51 ND 543 51 ND 543; 200 NW 94 North Dakota Supreme Court United States - North Dakota flag 1
(1975) 65 Scra 207 (1975) 65 SCRA 207 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 5
119 Scra 147 119 SCRA 147 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
99 Scra 72 99 SCRA 72 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
Summit Guaranty and Insurance Co , Inc , v Court of Appeals 110 SCRA 241 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
Tajonera v Lamaroza 110 SCRA 438 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 53
Zu ñ iga v Court of Appeals 95 SCRA 740 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 14
Borromeo v Canonoy 19 SCRA 667 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
Bolisay v Alcid 85 SCRA 213 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Capilitan vs De la Cruz 55 SCRA 706 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 9
Depositario v Hervias 121 SCRA 756 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
First Instance v Court of Appeals 106 SCRA 114 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Junquera v Borromeo 19 SCRA 656 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Lachenal v Salas 71 SCRA 202 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
People v Munar 53 SCRA 278 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Recto v dela Rosa 75 SCRA 226 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
Rodriguez v Court of Appeals 91 SCRA 540 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 16
Sebial v Sebial 64 SCRA 385 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 10
Byrne, Dom --- "Editor's Note" [2012] AUFPPlatypus 1; (2012) 111 Platypus: Journal of the Australian Federal Police 2 Page 2 United Kingdom circa 2012 flag 153
Baquial v Amihan 92 Phil 501 Philippines circa 2012 flag 14
109 Phil 701 109 Phil 701 Philippines circa 2012 flag 1

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